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wonderfully (well)

  • 1 С-246

    НА СЛАВУ coll IPrepP Invar adv or subj-compl with copula ( subj: usu. concr or abstr)) very well, remarkably great, remarkable: beaut iful(ly) wonderful (ly) wonderfully well splendid(ly) glorious(ly) magnificent (ly) (in limited contexts) famously (do) a wonderful job most enjoyable (-ably)
    X удался \С-246 - X was a smash (a hit)
    X was a big (tremendous, immense) success
    справить свадьбу (день рождения и т. п.) - — celebrate a wedding (a birthday etc) in a big way
    (in limited contexts) make an occasion of one's ( s.o. 's) wedding (birthday etc).
    День направлялся на славу в добрый день выпало старикам уезжать с Матеры (Распутин 4). The day promised to be beautiful, the weather was good on the day the old people had to leave Matyora (4a)
    День разгулялся на славу (Абрамов 1). It had turned out to be a splendid day (1a)
    Она взялась накрыть стол, доставить белье, посуду и проч. и приготовить на своей кухне кушанье... Действительно, все было приготовлено на славу... (Достоевский 3)..She had undertaken to set the table and obtain a tablecloth and crockery, etc., and to prepare the food in her kitchen.. And indeed everything had been done wonderfully well... (3a). She undertook to lay the table, to provide linen, dishes, and so on, and to prepare the food in her kitchen. Indeed, everything was done up famously (3c).
    Мастерская сверкала... немыслимой чистотой. Панкратиха поработала на славу (Некрасов 1). The studio gleamed with an., impossible cleanliness. Pankratikha had done a wonderful job (1a).
    Вечер получился на славу. Все были в приподнятом настроении... (Айтматов 2)....It was а most enjoyable evening. Everyone was in good spirits... (1a).
    Ёлка удалась на славу. Да это и не трудно было (Гинзбург 2). The New Year's concert was an immense success, which was not all that hard to achieve (2a)
    Комиссар был гостеприимен, любил людей... И он захотел справить свадьбу на славу, как справляют этот праздник в степи, на просторе, под небом (Федин 1). The commissar was hospitable, he liked people...And he wanted to make an occasion of his wedding, as is done in the steppes, out in the open, under the open sky (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-246

  • 2 на славу

    НА СЛАВУ coll
    [PrepP; Invar; adv or subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. concr or abstr)]
    very well, remarkably; great, remarkable:
    - [in limited contexts] famously;
    - X wasa big (tremendous, immense) success;
    || справить свадьбу (день рождения и т. п.) на славу - celebrate a wedding (a birthday etc) in a big way;
    - [in limited contexts] make an occasion of one's < s.o.'s> wedding (birthday etc).
         ♦ День направлялся на славу; в добрый день выпало старикам уезжать с Матеры (Распутин 4). The day promised to be beautiful, the weather was good on the day the old people had to leave Matyora (4a)
         ♦ День разгулялся на славу (Абрамов 1). It had turned out to be a splendid day (1a)
         ♦...Она взялась накрыть стол, доставить белье, посуду и проч. и приготовить на своей кухне кушанье... Действительно, все было приготовлено на славу... (Достоевский 3)...She had undertaken to set the table and obtain a tablecloth and crockery, etc., and to prepare the food in her kitchen.. And indeed everything had been done wonderfully well... (3a). She undertook to lay the table, to provide linen, dishes, and so on, and to prepare the food in her kitchen. Indeed, everything was done up famously (3c).
         ♦ Мастерская сверкала... немыслимой чистотой. Панкратиха поработала на славу (Некрасов 1). The studio gleamed with an., impossible cleanliness. Pankratikha had done a wonderful job (1a).
         ♦...Вечер получился на славу. Все были в приподнятом настроении... (Айтматов 2)....It was a most enjoyable evening. Everyone was in good spirits... (1a).
         ♦ Елка удалась на славу. Да это и не трудно было (Гинзбург 2). The New Year's concert was an immense success, which was not all that hard to achieve (2a)
         ♦ Комиссар был гостеприимен, любил людей... И он захотел справить свадьбу на славу, как справляют этот праздник в степи, на просторе, под небом (Федин 1). The commissar was hospitable, he liked people...And he wanted to make an occasion of his wedding, as is done in the steppes, out in the open, under the open sky (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на славу

  • 3 Н-12

    ЧТО НАДО highly coll Invar
    1. ( usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human, concr, or abstr)) very good, excellent
    topnotch the best there is you couldn't ask for better (for a better NP) a whiz-bang ( NP) (in limited contexts) just what one needs.
    Через несколько минут мы были на шоссе. Сергей показывал класс - скорость была что надо! (Аксёнов 1). Within a few minutes we were on the highway. Sergei was showing his stuff-speed was just what we needed! (1a).
    (to do sth.) very well, excellently
    wonderfully (well) incredibly smashingly (in limited contexts) (be) a hell of a NP
    работать - - (do) a hell of a job.
    Сергееву не жаль было потраченных денег: дом был построен что надо. Sergeev didn't regret the money he'd spent on building the house: it came out wonderfully.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-12

  • 4 что надо

    ЧТО НАДО highly coll
    1. [usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human, concr, or abstr)]
    very good, excellent:
    - [in limited contexts] just what one needs.
         ♦ Через несколько минут мы были на шоссе. Сергей показывал класс - скорость была что надо! (Аксёнов 1). Within a few minutes we were on the highway. Sergei was showing his stuff - speed was just what we needed! (1a).
    2. [adv]
    (to do sth.) very well, excellently:
    - [in limited contexts](be) a hell of a [NP];
    || работать что надо (do) a hell of a job.
         ♦ Сергееву не жаль было потраченных денег: дом был построен что надо. Sergeev didn't regret the money he'd spent on building the house: it came out wonderfully.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что надо

  • 5 Д-192

    НА ДИВО НА УДИВЛЕНИЕ PrepP these forms only)
    1. ( subj-compl with copula ( subj: usu. concr or abstr) sth. is very good, excellent
    a real wonder (marvel)
    wonderful marvelous.
    Земля славная, и урожай всегда бывал на диво но на заколдованном месте никогда не было ничего доброго (Гоголь 5). It's marvelous ground and there is always a wonderful crop on it, but there has never been anything good on that bewitched place (5a).
    2. - какой, каков и т. п. ( modif (intensif)) very, extremely
    remarkably uncommonly exceptionally won-drously.
    Конец августа был погожий и сухой на диво (Шолохов 5). The end of August was wondrously fine and dry (5a).
    3. ( adv or modif) very well, excellently
    wonderfully (well)
    amazingly (well) splendidly.
    Его казаки были экипированы на диво. У всех было в достатке патронов, на всех была справная одежда и добротная обувь - все добытое с пленных красноармейцев (Шолохов 4). His Cossacks were splendidly equipped. They had plenty of ammunition and their clothing and footwear, all taken from captured Red Army men, were in excellent condition (4a)
    4. - (кому-чему) (the resulting PrepP is sent adv
    indir obj: human or collect) so as to evoke wonder, admiration etc
    to the amazement (astonishment, delight) of
    (in limited contexts) in a way marvelous to see to the surprise of.
    (Телятев:) А вот пьет (Васильков) шампанское, так на диво: отчетливо, методически, точно воду зельтерскую (Островский 4). (Т.:)...Не (Vasilkov) drinks champagne in a way marvelous to see: carefully, methodically, just as if it were seltzer water (4a).
    «Нет, так не пойдет! Желаете счастья зятю и дочери, а сами не пьёте», - упрекнул Кокетай засмущавшегося деда Момуна. «Ну разве что за счастье, я что ж», - заторопился старик. На удивление всем, он ахнул до дна почти полный стакан водки... (Айтматов 1). uNo, no, that will not do! You toast to the happiness of your daughter and your son-in-law and then don't drink yourself," Koketay reproached the embarrassed Momun. "Well, if it's to happiness, sure..." he mumbled hurriedly And, to everyone's surprise, he gulped down almost a full glass in a single breath (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-192

  • 6 на диво

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. concr or abstr]
    sth. is very good, excellent:
    - marvelous.
         ♦ Земля славная, и урожай всегда бывал на диво; но на заколдованном месте никогда не было ничего доброго (Гоголь 5). It's marvelous ground and there is always a wonderful crop on it; but there has never been anything good on that bewitched place (5a).
    2. на диво какой, каков и т.п. [modif (intensif)]
    very, extremely:
    - wondrously.
         ♦ Конец августа был погожий и сухой на диво (Шолохов 5). The end of August was wondrously fine and dry (5a).
    3. [adv or modif]
    very well, excellently:
    - splendidly.
         ♦ Его казаки были экипированы на диво. У всех было в достатке патронов, на всех была справная одежда и добротная обувь - все добытое с пленных красноармейцев (Шолохов 4). His Cossacks were splendidly equipped. They had plenty of ammunition and their clothing and footwear, all taken from captured Red Army men, were in excellent condition (4a)
    4. на диво (кому-чему) [the resulting PrepP is sent adv; indir obj: human or collect]
    so as to evoke wonder, admiration etc:
    - to the amazement (astonishment, delight) of;
    - [in limited contexts] in a way marvelous to see;
    - to the surprise of.
         ♦ [Телятев:] А вот пьет [Васильков] шампанское, так на диво: отчётливо, методически, точно воду зельтерскую (Островский 4). [Т.:]... Не [Vasilkov] drinks champagne in a way marvelous to see: carefully, methodically, just as if it were seltzer water (4a).
         ♦ "Нет, так не пойдет! Желаете счастья зятю и дочери, а сами не пьёте", - упрекнул Кокетай засмущавшегося деда Момуна. "Ну разве что за счастье, я что ж", - заторопился старик. На удивление всем, он ахнул до дна почти полный стакан водки... (Айтматов 1). "No, no, that will not do! You toast to the happiness of your daughter and your son-in-law and then don't drink yourself," Koketay reproached the embarrassed Momun. "Well, if it's to happiness, sure..." he mumbled hurriedly And, to everyone's surprise, he gulped down almost a full glass in a single breath (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на диво

  • 7 на удивление

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. concr or abstr]
    sth. is very good, excellent:
    - marvelous.
         ♦ Земля славная, и урожай всегда бывал на диво; но на заколдованном месте никогда не было ничего доброго (Гоголь 5). It's marvelous ground and there is always a wonderful crop on it; but there has never been anything good on that bewitched place (5a).
    2. на удивление какой, каков и т.п. [modif (intensif)]
    very, extremely:
    - wondrously.
         ♦ Конец августа был погожий и сухой на диво (Шолохов 5). The end of August was wondrously fine and dry (5a).
    3. [adv or modif]
    very well, excellently:
    - splendidly.
         ♦ Его казаки были экипированы на диво. У всех было в достатке патронов, на всех была справная одежда и добротная обувь - все добытое с пленных красноармейцев (Шолохов 4). His Cossacks were splendidly equipped. They had plenty of ammunition and their clothing and footwear, all taken from captured Red Army men, were in excellent condition (4a)
    4. на удивление (кому-чему) [the resulting PrepP is sent adv; indir obj: human or collect]
    so as to evoke wonder, admiration etc:
    - to the amazement (astonishment, delight) of;
    - [in limited contexts] in a way marvelous to see;
    - to the surprise of.
         ♦ [Телятев:] А вот пьет [Васильков] шампанское, так на диво: отчётливо, методически, точно воду зельтерскую (Островский 4). [Т.:]... Не [Vasilkov] drinks champagne in a way marvelous to see: carefully, methodically, just as if it were seltzer water (4a).
         ♦ "Нет, так не пойдет! Желаете счастья зятю и дочери, а сами не пьёте", - упрекнул Кокетай засмущавшегося деда Момуна. "Ну разве что за счастье, я что ж", - заторопился старик. На удивление всем, он ахнул до дна почти полный стакан водки... (Айтматов 1). "No, no, that will not do! You toast to the happiness of your daughter and your son-in-law and then don't drink yourself," Koketay reproached the embarrassed Momun. "Well, if it's to happiness, sure..." he mumbled hurriedly And, to everyone's surprise, he gulped down almost a full glass in a single breath (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на удивление

  • 8 слава

    ж. тк. ед.
    1. glory; ( известность) fame

    достигнуть славы — achieve / win* fame

    2. ( репутация) fame, name; reputation

    добрая слава — good name / reputation

    дурная слава — ill fame; disrepute

    приобрести дурную славу — fall* into disrepute, become* notorious

    во славу (рд.) — to the glory (of)

    на славу разг. — wonderfully well, excellent

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > слава

  • 9 слава

    1) ( почёт) glory; ( известность) fame

    всеми́рная сла́ва — world-wide fame

    дости́гнуть сла́вы — achieve [-iːv] / win fame

    его́ сла́ва греми́т по всему́ све́ту — the world rings with his fame

    2) ( репутация) fame; reputation

    до́брая сла́ва — good name / reputation

    дурна́я сла́ва — ill fame; disrepute

    приобрести́ дурну́ю сла́ву (и́з-за рд.; благодаря́ дт.)become notorious (for)

    3) в знач. межд. ( призыв к прославлению кого-л) glory (to)

    сла́ва в вы́шних Бо́гу! рел.glory to God in the highest!

    сла́ва геро́ям! — glory to the heroes!


    сла́ва Бо́гу; сла́ва тебе́, Го́споди! в знач. межд. — thank God!, thank goodness!

    во сла́ву (рд.)to the glory (of)

    на сла́ву разг. — wonderfully well, excellent

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > слава

  • 10 на славу

    разг. first-rate, wonderfully well, excellent

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > на славу

  • 11 на славу

    marvel(l)ously, wonderfully well

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > на славу

  • 12 на загляденье

    to everyone's surprise (envy); wonderfully well; simply splendid

    - Я сама хозяйством займусь... Ты не мешай мне только, волю дай. Заживём на загляденье другим! (Г. Марков, Строговы) — I'll keep house all by myself... Only don't stay in my way, give me a free hand. We'll live a wonderful life, we'll make them envy us!

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на загляденье

  • 13 на славу

    разг., одобр.
    1) (отлично, превосходно, замечательно) excellently; splendidly; wonderfully well

    - Новую шинель уж я вам сошью на славу. (Н. Гоголь, Шинель) — 'Yes, I'll make you a new coat by all means, you can rely on that, I'll really do my best.'

    - Ну, отдыхай теперь, Иван Егорыч, отдыхай сколько влезет! Поработал и повоевал ты на славу. (Г. Марков, Земля Ивана Егорыча) — 'Now you can take it easy for as long as you like, Ivan Yegorich. You've got a glorious record both at work and in the army.'

    2) (отличный, превосходный, замечательный) excellent; splendid; wonderful; first rate

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на славу

  • 14 Ч-201

    ЧУДО КАК... obs, coll Invar modif) ( usu. refers to a high degree of some positive quality) very, extremely
    wonderfully incredibly.
    (Кречинский:)...Как вы отдохнули после вчерашнего бала? (Лидочка:) У меня голова что-то болит. (Кречинский:) А ведь чудо как было весело! (Лидочка:) Ах, чудо как весело! (Сухово-Кобылин 2). (К.:) Have you rested well after the ball?... (L.:) I have a slight headache. (K.:) What a wonderfully gay time we had! (L.:) Oh, yes, wonderfully gay (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-201

  • 15 чудо как...

    ЧУДО КАК... obs, coll
    [Invar; modif]
    (usu. refers to a high degree of some positive quality) very, extremely:
    - incredibly.
         ♦ [Кречинский:]...Как вы отдохнули после вчерашнего бала? [Лидочка:] У меня голова что-то болит. [Кречинский:] А ведь чудо как было весело! [Лидочка:] Ах, чудо как весело! (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [К.:] Have you rested well after the ball?... [L.:] I have a slight headache. [K.:] What a wonderfully gay time we had! [L.:] Oh, yes, wonderfully gay (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чудо как...

  • 16 М-10

    РАЗЛЮЛЙ МАЛИНА substand, approv NP subj-compl with бытье ( subj: usu. житьё, жизнь) or adv also used as Interj fixed WO
    ( sth. is) very good, wonderful, ( sth. is going, is done etc) very well, wonderfully
    super(-duper) terrific.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-10

  • 17 П-4

    НА БОЛЬШИЙ ПАЛЕЦ НА БОЛЬШИЙ both highly coll PrepP these forms only)
    ( sth. is done, one does sth.) very well, excellently
    splendidly wonderfully in fine fashion like a pro.
    2. ( subj-compl with бытье (subj: human, concr, or abstr) or, less often, nonagreeing modif) a person or thing is very good or excellent in qualities, condition etc
    first-class top-notch super A one outstanding.
    "...Потом заеду к Дунярке... Вот, брат, как надо устраиваться! Квартирка из трёх комнат, свёкор - большая шишка... ходят по коврам... В общем, житуха у Дунярки на большой» (Абрамов 1). ( context transl) Then I'll pay a visit to Dunyarka.... That's the way to live, brother! Three-room apartment-her father-in-law's a big cheese...the place is carpeted....All in all, Dunyarka has a great setup" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-4

  • 18 разлюли малина

    РАЗЛЮЛИ МАЛИНА substand, approv
    [NP; subj-compl with быть (subj: usu. житьё, жизнь) or adv; also used as Interj; fixed WO]
    (sth. is) very good, wonderful, (sth. is going, is done etc) very well, wonderfully:
    - terrific.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разлюли малина

  • 19 на большой

    НА БОЛЬШОЙ ПАЛЕЦ; НА БОЛЬШОЙ both highly coll
    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [adv]
    (sth. is done, one does sth.) very well, excellently:
    - like a pro.
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human, concr, or abstr) or, less often, nonagreeing modif]
    a person or thing is very good or excellent in qualities, condition etc:
    - outstanding.
         ♦ "...Потом заеду к Дунярке... Вот, брат, как надо устраиваться! Квартирка из трёх комнат, свёкор - большая шишка... ходят по коврам... В общем, житуха у Дунярки на большой" (Абрамов 1). [context transl] "Then I'll pay a visit to Dunyarka.... That's the way to live, brother! Three-room apartment - her father-in-law's a big cheese...the place is carpeted....All in all, Dunyarka has a great setup" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на большой

  • 20 на большой палец

    НА БОЛЬШОЙ ПАЛЕЦ; НА БОЛЬШОЙ both highly coll
    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [adv]
    (sth. is done, one does sth.) very well, excellently:
    - like a pro.
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human, concr, or abstr) or, less often, nonagreeing modif]
    a person or thing is very good or excellent in qualities, condition etc:
    - outstanding.
         ♦ "...Потом заеду к Дунярке... Вот, брат, как надо устраиваться! Квартирка из трёх комнат, свёкор - большая шишка... ходят по коврам... В общем, житуха у Дунярки на большой" (Абрамов 1). [context transl] "Then I'll pay a visit to Dunyarka.... That's the way to live, brother! Three-room apartment - her father-in-law's a big cheese...the place is carpeted....All in all, Dunyarka has a great setup" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на большой палец

См. также в других словарях:

  • wonderfully — UK [ˈwʌndə(r)f(ə)lɪ] / US [ˈwʌndərfəlɪ] adverb formal a) extremely well She sang wonderfully. b) used for emphasizing that something is done well The dress fits you wonderfully well …   English dictionary

  • wonderfully — won|der|ful|ly [ˈwʌndəfəli US dər ] adv very well or to a very great degree, in a way that makes you feel happy ▪ All of the performers played wonderfully. ▪ a wonderfully rich sauce …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wonderfully — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. well, admirably, excellently, remarkably, unusually, unexpectedly, strikingly, magnificently, marvelously, beautifully, extraordinarily, amazingly, spectacularly, uncommonly, miraculously, famously*, stunningly*, first… …   English dictionary for students

  • wonderfully — adverb (used as an intensifier) extremely well (Freq. 3) her voice is superbly disciplined the colors changed wondrously slowly • Syn: ↑wondrous, ↑wondrously, ↑superbly, ↑toppingly, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • St. Ann's Well Gardens, Hove — St. Ann s Well Gardens is a park in Hove, East Sussex about half a mile from the shore. The park is renowned for its chalybeate (iron bearing) spring, which is now named St. Ann s Well. In this case, the name St. Ann does not refer to any saint.… …   Wikipedia

  • wonderful — [[t]wʌ̱ndə(r)fʊl[/t]] ♦♦ ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf/that If you describe something or someone as wonderful, you think they are extremely good. The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face... It s wonderful to see you... I ve always… …   English dictionary

  • Slovakia — Slovakian, adj., n. /sloh vah kee euh, vak ee euh/, n. a republic in central Europe: formerly a part of Czechoslovakia; under German protection 1939 45; independent since 1993. 5,393,016; 18,931 sq. mi. (49,035 sq. km). Cap.: Bratislava. Also… …   Universalium

  • Supercouple — A supercouple (also known as a power couple or dynamic duo) is a popular or financially wealthy pairing that intrigues and fascinates the public in an intense or even obsessive fashion. The term was coined in the early 1980s when intense public… …   Wikipedia

  • Tchaikovsky and the Five — As Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky studied with Nikolai Zaremba at the Western oriented St. Petersburg Conservatory, critic Vladimir Stasov and composer Mily Balakirev espoused a nationalistic, less Western oriented and more locally ideomatic school of… …   Wikipedia

  • Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo —     Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo     St. Augustine of Hippo (354 430) is a philosophical and theological genius of the first order, dominating, like a pyramid, antiquity and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Harry Potter fandom — Because students in the novels board the train to Hogwarts at Platform 9 3⁄4 at King s Cross railway station in London, the real King s Cross has erected a sign at a wall between tracks 9 and 10 to commemorate this. The Harry Potter fandom… …   Wikipedia

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